Ideation, 3d motion graphics, editing, compositing and emission for RCS group and RAI. 3Bmeteo official weather forecast of Giro d'Italia
Ideation, 3d motion graphics, editing, compositing and emission for RCS group and RAI. 3Bmeteo official weather forecast of Giro d'Italia
Live streaming system with an interview between two or four or eight people. System entirely made and customized with remote control and the interviewees can be in any other location ... just a computer or a mobile device. Furthermore, the compilation of the textual information can take place live as the arrangement of graphics and overlays on any part of the screen.
No Streamyard and similar software, no limit or rigid pre-setting but maximum choice and freedom to be on the air with unique content. Project realized for 3Bmeteo meteosolutions srl.
The cartoon series for the web is in the works in progress. Suitable for children 0-3 years, it has the particularity of being made without rendering but all with capture in live view. This will greatly facilitate the production and reduce the finalization times which sometimes can decide the continuation of the cancellation of a project.
The web series will be produced entirely of 3D animation with the latest generation of fluid and particle effects, they will also teach the little ones colors and numbers, always keeping a story in the background and many objectives
L'ultima Superluna del 2020, evento molto importarnte per appassionati e non. Siamo stati tra i primi a essere live in diretta simultanemente su Facebook e su Instagram, procedura non lineare e alquanto ostica. Accoppiare questi due social in una diretta proveniente dal medesimo flusso video ha ripagato con un engagement assicurato.
390.000 persone raggiunte
1900 condivisioni
8000 reactions #livestreaming #combolive
Tecnicamente ho utilizzato una mirrorless camera 4k alla quale ho collegato tramite adattatore un Nikon 55-300 mm. Il tutto gestisto con una regia cablata da me sperimentata insieme a due software per lo streaming simultaneo
Ore 17:05 con il Video Art Director di 3bmeteo (Meteosolutions srl), @federicosurace , parliamo al Day+ della Settimana della formazione "Attualità e Video Engagement" #webmarketing #videomarketing
“The Last Prisoner” is placed against the backdrop of World War II. The story tells about a US military official whose secondment is recipient of orders too burdensome for the conscience to be executed and also for the fact those episodes are a last backlash of a war with an outcome by now defined. This official - a Captain – devises a way to save at least in appearance a vilified military honor in the essence. In the final outcome we will see the extreme consequences of this noble intention. Direct by Riccardo Leto
I first imagined this video, I wrote the story and designed the storyboard. I planned the schedules, the exits and the shooting to tell a travel video of a tourist resort in Romagna, Igea Marina. Armed exclusively with my notebook, my Gh4 and my gimbal told a summer day. I used the technique of shooting in Log to have more dynamic range possible in post-production. I had a happy response on Youtube and Facebook where the official city page and the official page of Emilia Romagna have reshared, reaching over 40,000 views and appreciations.
Sophia is a fictional character but with its own personality, you will know it and see it again and again even in LIVE DIRECT to greet their friends who follow it and to meet the little questions of the most curious. Sophia and the Magic Book is pure entertainment for the little ones always accompanied by their parents in watching and listening to fables and fairy tales told by this sweet and pretty girl who with his simple language and with his face will accompany so many boys and girls to lullaby or to the afternoon nap. Sophia has this magic book filled with many beautiful stories, and each episode will be just the book to give a meaningful and sweetness tale.
Meteosolutions (3BMETEO) first private company complying with WMO requirements. DEKRA Testing and Certification issues ISO9001: 2015 certification and compliance with the requirements contained in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Guidelines.
A young soldier of the future is running from the troops of an alien army that is carrying out a genocide. Maybe, he's the last survivor. Alone and foreign in his own world, he searches for a way to still give meaning to his life.
The trailer for the movie "The Latin Dream", a story of love, dance and Latin passion.
With international singer Anastacia. A young girl with some extra weight is helped by her guardian angel / favorite singer Anastacia to change her perspective on life. She will progressively acquire self-confidence, modify her eating habits, and share her beautiful voice with the entire world.